Como Chief Scientist de, ayudó a crear una cultura centrada fundamentalmente en el cliente, base que ha supuesto el gran éxito del portal
Posee más de 25 años de experiencia trabajando en puestos de liderazgo sénior en empresas innovadoras conocidas en todo el mundo: Tesla, Apple, Microsoft y Gap.
Rogelio se incorpora a la consultoría empresarial y ejecutiva después de una exitosa carrera como Ejecutivo Global de Recursos Humanos.
Tom joined The Future Laboratory in 2005 and is now a Senior Partner there. The Future Laboratory is one of Europe’s leading trends, brand and futures consultancies.
Tom joined The Future Laboratory in 2005 and is now a Senior Partner there. The Future Laboratory is one of Europe’s leading trends, brand and futures consultancies.
Tom joined The Future Laboratory in 2005 and is now a Senior Partner there. The Future Laboratory is one of Europe’s leading trends, brand and futures consultancies.
Tom joined The Future Laboratory in 2005 and is now a Senior Partner there. The Future Laboratory is one of Europe’s leading trends, brand and futures consultancies.
Giuseppe se define a sí mismo como un estudioso natural, apasionado en innovación y un trabajador en equipo por naturaleza.
Tom joined The Future Laboratory in 2005 and is now a Senior Partner there. The Future Laboratory is one of Europe’s leading trends, brand and futures consultancies.
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