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Don Peppers




Don Peppers


Partner Marketing at Peppers and Rogers Group.

– Mass Customisation
– Competing in the Interactive Age
– One Customer at a Time: the one-to-one future of marketing
– Long-term Leadership in a Short-term World
– CRM is Dead – Long Live the Customer
– Optimizing for Success

Recognized for over a decade as one of the leading authorities on customer-focused relationship management strategies for business, Don Peppers is an acclaimed author and a founding partner of Peppers & Rogers Group, the world’s premier customer-centered management consulting firm. In August 2003, Peppers & Rogers Group joined Carlson Marketing Group to provide clients with world-class customer strategy, flawlessly executed, for bottom-line impact. The goal of the combined companies is to offer “one to one, end to end.”

Don’s vision, perspective and thoughtful analysis of global business practices has earned him some significant citations by internationally recognized entities. The United Kingdom’s premier marketing organization, the Chartered Institute for Marketing, cited Don among their inaugural 2003 listing of the 50 “most influential thinkers in marketing and business today.” He has been ranked by Accenture’s Institute for Strategic Change among the global “Top 100 Business Intellectuals” for two years running. Business 2.0 Magazine has named him one of the “foremost business gurus of our times,” and the World Technology Network has cited Don as an “innovator most likely to create visionary ‘ripple effects’.” Inc. Magazine cited Peppers & Rogers Group as an annual Web Awards winner for the innovative way the firm uses the Internet to leverage their collective expertise to service clients.

Don is also the author of Life’s a Pitch—Then You Buy, based on his career as a new business rainmaker for world-class advertising agencies, including Chiat/Day and Lintas:USA. He capped his advertising career as the CEO of Perkins/Butler Direct Marketing, a top-20 U.S.-direct-marketing agency.

Prior to marketing and advertising, Don worked as an economist in the oil business and as the director of accounting for a regional airline. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in astronautical engineering from the U.S. Air Force Academy, and a Master’s Degree in public affairs from Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School.